Package 'JSM'

Title: Semiparametric Joint Modeling of Survival and Longitudinal Data
Description: Maximum likelihood estimation for the semiparametric joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data. Refer to the Journal of Statistical Software article: <doi:10.18637/jss.v093.i02>.
Authors: Cong Xu, Pantelis Z. Hadjipantelis and Jane-Ling Wang
Maintainer: Cong Xu <[email protected]>
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0.1
Built: 2025-03-06 04:48:29 UTC

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ddI versus ddC in HIV-infected Patients


A randomized clinical trial in which both survival and longitudinal data were collected to compare the efficacy and safety of two antiretroviral drugs, namely ddI (didanosine) and ddC (zalcitabine), in treating HIV-infected patients intolerant or failing zidovudine (AZT) therapy.


A data frame with 1405 observations on the following 12 variables.


patient ID, there are 467 patients in total.


survival time, i.e. time to death or censoring.


death indicator: 0 denotes censoring; 1 denotes death.


time points at which the longitudinal measurements, i.e. CD4 cell counts, are recorded.


CD4 cell counts measured at obstime.


drug indicator with two levels: ddI and ddC.


gender indicator with two levels: male and female.


AIDS diagnosis at study entry indicator with two levels: AIDS and noAIDS.


AZT intolerance/failure indicator with two levels: intolerance and failure.


same with obstime, starting time of the interval which contains the time of the CD4 cell count measurement.


ending time of the interval which contains the time of the CD4 cell count measurement.


event indicator suggesting whether the event-of-interest, i.e. death, happens in the interval given by start and stop.


Goldman, A., Carlin, B., Crane, L., Launer, C., Korvick, J., Deyton, L. and Abrams, D. (1996) Response of CD4+ and clinical consequences to treatment using ddI or ddC in patients with advanced HIV infection. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology 11, 161–169.


Guo, X. and Carlin, B. (2004) Separate and joint modeling of longitudinal and event time data using standard computer packages. The American Statistician 58, 16–24.

Xu, C., Baines, P. D. and Wang, J. L. (2014) Standard error estimation using the EM algorithm for the joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data. Biostatistics 15, 731–744



Obtain Confidence Intervals for Joint Model Parameters


confint is a generic function which computes confidence intervals for parameters in models fitted by jmodelTM() or jmodelMult().


## S3 method for class 'jmodelTM'
confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
## S3 method for class 'jmodelMult'
confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)



an object inheriting from class jmodelTM or jmodelMult.


a specification of which parameters are to be given confidence intervals. As currently implemented, always give confidence intervals for all regression coefficients.


the confidence level required.


additional arguments required. None is used in this method.


A list consists of the following components:


a matrix with columns giving parameter estimates as well as their lower and upper confidence limits for the regression parameters of the longitudinal process.


a matrix with columns giving parameter estimates as well as their lower and upper confidence limits for the regression parameters of the survival process.


the confidence level used in computing the confidence limits.


Cong Xu [email protected]


## Not run: 
fitLME <- lme(proth ~ Trt * obstime, random = ~ 1 | ID, data = liver)
fitCOX <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ Trt, data = liver, x = TRUE) <- jmodelTM(fitLME, fitCOX, liver, timeVarY = 'obstime')

# 95% confidence intervals for the joint model parameters

## End(Not run)

Preprocess Data to Be Fed into Joint Models


dataPreprocess is a function to preprocess data to be used in fitting joint models. Suppose the situation is that the longitudinal measurements are recorded in a data frame with one row per measurment and the survival information are recorded in another data frame with one row per subject. This function merges the two data frames by subject identification and generate three new columns: start, stop, event. See Value.


dataPreprocess(long, surv, id.col, long.time.col, surv.time.col, surv.event.col, 
               surv.event.indicator = list(censored = 0, event = 1), suffix = ".join")



a data frame for the longitudinal data, one row per measurment, with subject identification, time of measurement, and longitudinal measurements, etc.


a data frame for the survival data, one row per subject, with subject identification (column name should match that in long), possibly censored time-to-event, and event indicator (normally 0=censored, 1=event), etc.


a character string specifying the subject identification column in both long and surv.


a character string specifying the time of measurement column in long.


a character string specifying the possibly censored time-to-event column in surv.


a character string specifying the event status column in surv.


a list specifying the values in column surv.event.col corresponding to censored and event status.


a optional character string specifying the suffix to be added to the start, stop, event columns in case long or surv already have columns with these names.


A data frame merging long and surv by subject identification, with one row per longitudinal measurment, and generate three new columns: start, stop, event (column names are added with suffix specified by suffix:


starting time of the interval which contains the time of the longitudinal measurements.


ending time of the interval which contains the time of the longitudinal measurements.


event indicator suggesting whether the event-of-interest, e.g. death, happens in the interval given by start and stop.


1. If long and surv have columns sharing the same column names, the columns from long and surv would be named with suffixes ".long" and ".surv", respectively, in the output data frame. 2. The time of measurement of the longitudinal measurements and possibly censored time-to-event should be recorded consistently for each subject, i.e. time 0 means the same time point for the longitudinal and survival measurements.


Cong Xu [email protected]


## Not run: 
liver.join <- dataPreprocess(liver.long, liver.surv, 'ID', 'obstime', 'Time', 'death')

## End(Not run)

CBZ versus LTG in Epilepsy Patients


A randomised control trial, the SANAD (standard and new antiepileptic drugs) study, in which both survival and longitudinal data were collected to investigate the effect of drug titration on the relative effects of two antiepileptic drugs, namely CBZ (carbamazepine, a standard drug) and LTG (lamotrigine, a new drug), on treatment failure. Treatment failure, i.e. withdrawal of the randomized drug, is the event of interest. Two main reasons for withdrawal are unacceptable adverse effects (UAE) and inadequate seizure control (ISC).


A data frame with 2797 observations on the following 16 variables.


patient ID, there are 605 patients in total.


survival time, i.e. time to withdrawal or censoring.


withdrawal indicator: 0 denotes censoring; 1 denotes withdrawal.


withdrawal due to UAE indicator: 1 denotes withdrawal due to UAE; 0 otherwise.


withdrawal due to ISC indicator: 1 denotes withdrawal due to ISC; 0 otherwise.


time points at which the longitudinal measurements, i.e. the dose, are recorded.


calibrated dose measured at obstime.


drug indicator with two levels: CBZ and LTG.


age of patient at study entry.


gender indicator with two levels: male and female.


learning disability indicator with two levels: No and Yes.


same with obstime, starting time of the interval which contains the time of the dose measurement.


ending time of the interval which contains the time of the dose measurement.


event indicator suggesting whether the event-of-interest, i.e. withdrawal, happens in the interval given by start and stop.


event indicator suggesting whether the event-of-interest, i.e. withdrawal due to UAE, happens in the interval given by start and stop.


event indicator suggesting whether the event-of-interest, i.e. withdrawal due to ISC, happens in the interval given by start and stop.


Marson, A. G., AI-Kharusi, A. M., Alwaidh, M., Appleton, R., Baker, G. A., Chadwick, D. W., Cramp, C., Cockerell, O. C. Cooper, P. N., Doughty, J. et al. (2007) The SANAD study of effectiveness of carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, oxcarbazepine, or topiramate for treatment of partial epilepsy: an unblinded randomised controlled trial. The Lancet 369, 1000–1015.


Williamson P. R., Kolamunnage-Dona R., Philipson P. and Marson A. G. (2008) Joint modelling of longitudinal and competing risks data. Statistics in Medicine 27, 6426–6438.



Extract Fitted Values for Joint Models


fitted is a generic function which extracts fitted values from objects returned by jmodelTM() or jmodelMult().


## S3 method for class 'jmodelTM'
fitted(object, process = c("Longitudinal", "Survival"), 
        type = c("Marginal", "Conditional"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'jmodelMult'
fitted(object, process = c("Longitudinal", "Survival"), 
        type = c("Marginal", "Conditional"), ...)



an object inheriting from class jmodelTM or jmodelMult.


for which process the fitted values are calculated, i.e. the longitudinal or the survival process.


what type of fitted values to calculate for each process. See Details.


additional arguments required. None is used in this method.


We have implemented the fitted value calculation for process = "Longitudinal" but not for process = "Survival" yet as they are not well defined under the joint modeling setting. There are two types of fitted values depending on whether to compute the values conditional on the random effects. With type = "Marginal", the fitted values are Xi(t)β\mathbf{X}_i^\top(t)\boldsymbol\beta for objects returned by jmodelTM() and B(t)γ\mathbf{B}^\top(t)\boldsymbol\gamma for objects returned by jmodelMult(). With type = "Conditional", the fitted values are Xi(t)β+Zi(t)bi\mathbf{X}_i^\top(t)\boldsymbol\beta + \mathbf{Z}_i^\top(t)\mathbf{b}_i for objects returned by jmodelTM() and bi×B(t)γb_i\times\mathbf{B}^\top(t)\boldsymbol\gamma for objects returned by jmodelMult().


A numeric vector of fitted values.


Cong Xu [email protected]


## Not run: 
fitLME <- lme(proth ~ Trt * obstime, random = ~ 1 | ID, data = liver)
fitCOX <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ Trt, data = liver, x = TRUE) <- jmodelTM(fitLME, fitCOX, liver, timeVarY = 'obstime')

# fitted values for the longitudinal process
fitted(, type = "Conditional")

## End(Not run)

Semiparametric Joint Models for Survival and Longitudinal Data with Nonparametric Multiplicative Random Effects


This function applies a maximum likelihood approach to fit the semiparametric joint models of survival and normal longitudinal data. The survival model is assumed to come from a class of transformation models, including the Cox proportional hazards model and the proportional odds model as special cases. The longitudinal process is modeled by nonparametric multiplicative random effects (NMRE) model.


jmodelMult(fitLME, fitCOX, data, model = 1, rho = 0, timeVarY = NULL, 
           timeVarT = NULL, control = list(), ...)



an object inheriting from class lme representing a fitted nonparametric multiplicative random effects model. See Details and Note and Examples.


an object inheriting from class coxph representing a fitted Cox proportional hazards regression model. Specifying x = TRUE is required in the call to coxph() to include the design matrix in the object fit. See Note.


a data.frame containing all the variables included in the joint modeling. See Note.


an indicator specifying the dependency between the survival and longitudinal outcomes. Default is 1. See Details.


a nonnegative real number specifying the transformation model you would like to fit. Default is 0, i.e. the Cox proportional hazards model. See Details.


a character string indicating the time variable in the NMRE model. See Examples.


a character string indicating the time variable in the coxph object. Normally it is NULL. See Note and Examples.


a list of control values for the estimation algorithm with components:


tolerance value for convergence in the parameters with default value 1e-03. See Details.


tolerance value for convergence in the log-likelihood with default value 1e-06. See Details.


the maximum number of EM iterations with default value 250.


a character string specifying the standard error estimation method. Default is "PRES". See Details and Note.


a positive value used for numerical differentiation in the SE.method. Default is 1e-05 if "PRES" is used and 1e-03 otherwise. See Details.


the number of Gauss-Hermite quadrature knots used to approximate the integrals over the random effects. Under the nonparametric multiplicative random effects model, there are only one-dimensional integrations and the default for nknot is 11.


additional options to be passed to the control argument.


The jmodelMult function fits joint models for survival and longitudinal data. Nonparametric multiplicative random effects models (NMRE) are assumed for the longitudinal processes. With the Cox proportional hazards model and the proportional odds model as special cases, a general class of transformation models are assumed for the survival processes. The baseline hazard functions are left unspecified, i.e. no parametric forms are assumed, thus leading to semiparametric models. For detailed model formulation, please refer to Xu, Hadjipantelis and Wang (2017).

The longitudinal model (NMRE) is written as

Yi(t)=μi(t)+εi(t)=bi×B(t)γ+εi(t),Y_i(t)=\mu_i(t) + \varepsilon_i(t) = b_i\times\mathbf{B}^\top(t)\boldsymbol\gamma + \varepsilon_i(t),

where B(t)=(B1(t),,BL(t))\mathbf{B}(t)=(B_1(t), \cdots, B_L(t)) is a vector of B-spline basis functions and bib_i is a random effect N(1,σb2)\sim\mathcal{N}(1, \sigma_b^2). Note that we also allow the inclusion of baseline covariates as columns of B(t)\mathbf{B}(t). If model = 1, then the linear predictor for the survival model is expressed as

η(t)=Wi(t)ϕ+αμi(t),\eta(t) = \mathbf{W}_i^\top(t)\boldsymbol\phi + \alpha\mu_i(t),

indicating that the entire longitudinal process (free of error) enters the survival model as a covariate. If other values are assigned to the model argument, the linear predictor for the surival model is then expressed as

η(t)=Wi(t)ϕ+αbi,\eta(t) = \mathbf{W}_i^\top(t)\boldsymbol\phi + \alpha b_i,

suggesting that the survival and longitudinal models only share the same random effect.

The survival model is written as

Λ(tη(t))=G[0texp{η(s)}dΛ0(s)],\Lambda(t|\eta(t)) = G\left[\int_0^t\exp\{\eta(s)\}d\Lambda_0(s)\right],

where G(x)=log(1+ρx)/ρG(x) = \log(1 + \rho x) / \rho with ρ0\rho \geq 0 is the class of logarithmic transfomrations. If rho = 0, then G(x)=xG(x) = x, yielding the Cox proportional hazards model. If rho = 1, then G(x)=log(1+x)G(x) = \log(1 + x), yielding the proportional odds model. Users could assign any nonnegative real value to rho.

An expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is implemented to obtain parameter estimates. The convergence criterion is either of (i) max{θ(t)θ(t1)/(θ(t1)+.Machine$double.eps×2)}<tol.P\max \{ | \boldsymbol\theta^{(t)} - \boldsymbol\theta^{(t - 1)} | / ( | \boldsymbol\theta^{(t - 1)} | + .Machine\$double.eps \times 2 ) \} < tol.P, or (ii) L(θ(t))L(θ(t1))/(L(θ(t1))+.Machine$double.eps×2)<tol.L| L(\boldsymbol\theta^{(t)}) - L(\boldsymbol\theta^{(t - 1)})| / ( | L(\theta^{(t - 1)}) | + .Machine\$double.eps \times 2 ) < tol.L, is satisfied. Here θ(t)\boldsymbol\theta^{(t)} and θ(t1)\boldsymbol\theta^{(t-1)} are the vector of parameter estimates at the tt-th and (t1)(t-1)-th EM iterations, respectively; L(θ)L(\boldsymbol\theta) is the value of the log-likelihood function evaluated at θ\boldsymbol\theta. Users could specify the tolerance values tol.P and tol.L through the control argument.

For standard error estimation for the parameter estimates, three methods are provided, namely "PRES", "PFDS" and "PLFD" (detailed information are referred to Xu, Baines and Wang (2014)). In the control argument, if SE.method = "PRES", numerically differentiating the profile Fisher score vector with Richardson extrapolation is applied; if SE.method = "PFDS", numerically differentiating the profile Fisher score vector with forward difference is applied; if SE.method = "PLFD", numerially (second) differentiating the profile likelihood with forward difference is applied. Generally, numerically differentiating a function f(x)f(x) (an arbitrary function) with forward difference is expressed as

f(x)=f(x+δ)f(x)δ,f^\prime(x) = \frac{f(x + \delta) - f(x)}{\delta},

and that with Richardson extrapolation is expressed as

f(x)=f(x2δ)8f(xδ)+8f(x+δ)f(x+2δ)12δ.f^\prime(x) = \frac{f(x - 2\delta) - 8f(x - \delta) + 8f(x + \delta) - f(x + 2\delta)}{12\delta}.

Users could specify the value of δ\delta through the delta item in the control argument.


See jmodelMultObject for the components of the fit.


1. To fit a nonparametric multiplicative random effects model, the fixed effect in the fitLME object should be a matrix of B-spline basis functions (an object from the bs function) with the possibility of including baseline covariates and the random effect should only include a random intercept. In the bs function, it is a good practice to specify the boundary knots through the Boundary.knots argument, where the upper boundary knot is typically the longest follow-up time among all subjects. See Examples.

2. Currently, jmodelMult() could only handle the fitLME object with a simple random-effects structure (only the pdDiag() class). Moreover, the within-group correlation and heteroscedasticity structures in the fitLME object (i.e. the correlation and weights argument of lme()) are ignored.

3. The data argument in jmodelMult(), lme() and coxph() should be the same data frame.

4. For the fitCOX object, only the Wi(t)W_i(t) in the linear predictor η(t)\eta(t) for the survial model (see Details) should be involved in the formula argument of coxph{}. Since coxph() uses the same data frame as lme() does, a time-dependent Cox model must be fitted by coxph() although Wi(t)W_i(t) may only contain time-independent covariates. See Examples.

5. If Wi(t)W_i(t) in the linear predictor η(t)\eta(t) for the survial model (see Details) does involve time-dependent covariate, then timeVarT must specify the name of the time variable involved (see Examples).

6. The standard error estimates are obtained by numerical approximations which is naturally subject to numerical errors. Therefore, in extreme cases, there may be NA values for part of the standard error estimates.


Cong Xu [email protected] Pantelis Z. Hadjipantelis [email protected]


Dabrowska, D. M. and Doksun K. A. (1988) Partial Likelihood in Transformation Models with Censored Data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 15, 1–23.

Ding, J. and Wang, J. L. (2008) Modeling longitudinal data with nonparametric multiplicative random effects jointly with survival data. Biometrics 64, 546–556.

Tsiatis, A. A. and Davidian, M. (2004) Joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data: an overview. Statistica Sinica 14, 809–834.

Xu, C., Baines, P. D. and Wang, J. L. (2014) Standard error estimation using the EM algorithm for the joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data. Biostatistics 15, 731–744

Xu, C., Hadjipantelis, P. Z. and Wang, J. L. (2020) Semiparametric joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data: the R package JSM. Journal of Statistical Software <doi:10.18637/jss.v093.i02>.

Zeng, D. and Lin, D. (2007) Maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric regression models with censored data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 69, 507–564.

See Also

jmodelMultObject, lme, coxph, Surv, bs


# linear mixed-effects model fit where the fixed effect is modeled by 
# quadratic B-splie basis with no internal knots
fitLME <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ bs(obstime, degree = 2, Boundary.knots = c(0, 15)), 
              random = ~ 1 | ID, data = pbc)
# Cox proportional hazards model fit with a single time-independent covariate
fitCOX <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ drug, data = pbc, x = TRUE)

# joint model fit which assumes the Cox proportional hazards model for the survival process 
# and NMRE for the longitudinal process. Use 'max.iter = 25', 'nknot = 3' and 
# the 'PFDS' method to calculate standard error estimates as a quick toy example <- jmodelMult(fitLME, fitCOX, pbc, timeVarY = "obstime", 
                           control = list(SE.method = 'PFDS', max.iter = 25, nknot = 3))

## Not run: 
# joint model fit with the default control
fitJTMult.ph2 <- jmodelMult(fitLME, fitCOX, pbc, timeVarY = "obstime")
# joint model fit where the survival and longitudinal processes only share 
# the same random effect
fitJTMult.ph3 <- jmodelMult(fitLME, fitCOX, pbc, model = 2, timeVarY = "obstime")

# joint model fit which assumes the proportional odds model for the survival process 
# and NMRE model for the longitudinal process
fitJTMult.po <- jmodelMult(fitLME, fitCOX, pbc, rho = 1, timeVarY = "obstime")
# joint model fit where the survival and longitudinal processes only share 
# the same random effect
fitJTMult.po2 <- jmodelMult(fitLME, fitCOX, pbc, model = 2, rho = 1, timeVarY = "obstime")

# allow baseline covariates in the NMRE model for the longitudinal process
fitLME2 <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ drug + bs(obstime, degree = 2, Boundary.knots = c(0, 15)), 
               random = ~1 | ID, data = pbc)
fitJTMult.ph4 <- jmodelMult(fitLME2, fitCOX, pbc, timeVarY = "obstime")

# Cox proportional hazards model fit with a time-dependent covariate
fitCOX2 <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ drug + as.numeric(drug) : obstime, 
                 data = pbc, x = TRUE)
# joint model fit in which \code{timeVarT} must be specified
fitJTMult.ph5 <- jmodelMult(fitLME, fitCOX2, pbc, timeVarY = "obstime", timeVarT = 'obstime', 
                            control = list(max.iter = 300))

## End(Not run)

Fitted jmodelMult Object


An object returned by the jmodelMult function, inheriting from class jmodelMult and representing a fitted joint model for survival and longitudinal data. Objects of this class have methods for the generic functions AIC, BIC, logLik, print, summary, and vcov.


The following components must be included in a legitimate jmodelMult object.


a list with the estimated parameters. The list is consist of the following components:


the vector of estimated coefficients for the B-spline basis functions in the nonparametric multiplicative random effects model.


the vector of estimated coefficients for the covariates other than the covariate associated with the longitudinal process in the survival model.


the estimated coefficient for the covariate associated with the longitudinal process in the survival model.


the estimated measurement error standard deviation for the linear mixed-effects model.


the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the random effects.


a numeric matrix with two columns: the first column contains the unique observed survival times in ascending order; the second column contains the corresponding estimated baseline hazard values.


the variance-covariance matrix evaluated at the estimated parameter values.


the log-likelihood (the joint likelihood) value.

the estimated values for the random effects


a list containing an image of the jmodelTM call that produced the object.


the number of iterations used in the EM algorithm.


the convergence indicator: if "failure", usually more iterations are required.


the value of the control argument passed to jmodelTM.


the CPU time used to compute the standard error estimates, i.e. the time use to compute the variance-covariance matrix for the parameter estimates.


the total number of repeated measurements for the longitudinal outcome.


the number of sample units.


the censoring indicator: 0 denotes censored survival time; 1 denotes observed survival time.


the transformation parameter used for the survival model.


Cong Xu [email protected] Pantelis Z. Hadjipantelis [email protected]

See Also


Semiparametric Joint Models for Survival and Longitudinal Data


This function applies a maximum likelihood approach to fit the semiparametric joint models of survival and normal longitudinal data. The survival model is assumed to come from a class of transformation models, including the Cox proportional hazards model and the proportional odds model as special cases. The longitudinal process is modeled by liner mixed-effects models.


jmodelTM(fitLME, fitCOX, data, model = 1, rho = 0, timeVarY = NULL, 
         timeVarT = NULL, control = list(), ...)



an object inheriting from class lme representing a fitted linear mixed-effects model. See Note.


an object inheriting from class coxph representing a fitted Cox proportional hazards regression model. Specifying x = TRUE is required in the call to coxph() to include the design matrix in the object fit. See Note.


a data.frame containing all the variables included in the joint modeling. See Note.


an indicator specifying the dependency between the survival and longitudinal outcomes. Default is 1. See Details.


a nonnegative real number specifying the transformation model you would like to fit. Default is 0, i.e. the Cox proportional hazards model. See Details.


a character string indicating the time variable in the linear mixed-effects model. See Examples.


a character string indicating the time variable in the coxph object. Normally it is NULL. See Note and Examples.


a list of control values for the estimation algorithm with components:


tolerance value for convergence in the parameters with default value 1e-03. See Details.


tolerance value for convergence in the log-likelihood with default value 1e-06. See Details.


the maximum number of EM iterations with default value 250.


a character string specifying the standard error estimation method. Default is "PRES". See Details and Note.


a positive value used for numerical differentiation in the SE.method. Default is 1e-05 if "PRES" is used and 1e-03 otherwise. See Details.


the number of Gauss-Hermite quadrature knots used to approximate the integrals over the random effects. Default is 9 and 7 for one- and two-dimensional integration, respectively, and 5 for those with higher dimensions.


additional options to be passed to the control argument.


The jmodelTM function fits joint models for survival and longitudinal data. Linear mixed-effects models are assumed for the longitudinal processes. With the Cox proportional hazards model and the proportional odds model as special cases, a general class of transformation models are assumed for the survival processes. The baseline hazard functions are left unspecified, i.e. no parametric forms are assumed, thus leading to semiparametric models. For detailed model formulation, please refer to Xu, Baines and Wang (2014).

The longitudinal model is written as

Yi(t)=μi(t)+εi(t)=Xi(t)β+Zi(t)bi+εi(t).Y_i(t)=\mu_i(t) + \varepsilon_i(t) = \mathbf{X}_i^\top(t)\boldsymbol\beta + \mathbf{Z}_i^\top(t)\mathbf{b}_i + \varepsilon_i(t).

, then the linear predictor for the survival model is expressed as

η(t)=Wi(t)ϕ+αμi(t),\eta(t) = \mathbf{W}_i^\top(t)\boldsymbol\phi + \alpha\mu_i(t),

indicating that the entire longitudinal process (free of error) enters the survival model as a covariate. If other values are assigned to the model argument, the linear predictor for the surival model is then expressed as

η(t)=Wi(t)ϕ+αZi(t)bi,\eta(t) = \mathbf{W}_i^\top(t)\boldsymbol\phi + \alpha\mathbf{Z}_i^\top(t)\mathbf{b}_i,

suggesting that the survival and longitudinal models only share the same random effects.

The survival model is written as

Λ(tη(t))=G[0texpη(s)dΛ0(s)],\Lambda(t|\eta(t)) = G\left[\int_0^t\exp{\eta(s)}d\Lambda_0(s)\right],

where G(x)=log(1+ρx)/ρG(x) = \log(1 + \rho x) / \rho with ρ0\rho \geq 0 is the class of logarithmic transfomrations. If rho = 0, then G(x)=xG(x) = x, yielding the Cox proportional hazards model. If rho = 1, then G(x)=log(1+x)G(x) = \log(1 + x), yielding the proportional odds model. Users could assign any nonnegative real value to rho.

An expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is implemented to obtain parameter estimates. The convergence criterion is either of (i) max{θ(t)θ(t1)/(θ(t1)+.Machine$double.eps×2)}<tol.P\max \{ | \boldsymbol\theta^{(t)} - \boldsymbol\theta^{(t - 1)} | / ( | \boldsymbol\theta^{(t - 1)} | + .Machine\$double.eps \times 2 ) \} < tol.P, or (ii) L(θ(t))L(θ(t1))/(L(θ(t1))+.Machine$double.eps×2)<tol.L| L(\boldsymbol\theta^{(t)}) - L(\boldsymbol\theta^{(t - 1)})| / ( | L(\theta^{(t - 1)}) | + .Machine\$double.eps \times 2 ) < tol.L, is satisfied. Here θ(t)\boldsymbol\theta^{(t)} and θ(t1)\boldsymbol\theta^{(t-1)} are the vector of parameter estimates at the tt-th and (t1)(t-1)-th EM iterations, respectively; L(θ)L(\boldsymbol\theta) is the value of the log-likelihood function evaluated at θ\boldsymbol\theta. Users could specify the tolerance values tol.P and tol.L through the control argument.

For standard error estimation for the parameter estimates, three methods are provided, namely "PRES", "PFDS" and "PLFD" (detailed information are referred to Xu, Baines and Wang (2014)). In the control argument, if SE.method = "PRES", numerically differentiating the profile Fisher score vector with Richardson extrapolation is applied; if SE.method = "PFDS", numerically differentiating the profile Fisher score vector with forward difference is applied; if SE.method = "PLFD", numerially (second) differentiating the profile likelihood with forward difference is applied. Generally, numerically differentiating a function f(x)f(x) (an arbitrary function) with forward difference is expressed as

f(x)=f(x+δ)f(x)δ,f^\prime(x) = \frac{f(x + \delta) - f(x)}{\delta},

and that with Richardson extrapolation is expressed as

f(x)=f(x2δ)8f(xδ)+8f(x+δ)f(x+2δ)12δ.f^\prime(x) = \frac{f(x - 2\delta) - 8f(x - \delta) + 8f(x + \delta) - f(x + 2\delta)}{12\delta}.

Users could specify the value of δ\delta through the delta item in the control argument.


See jmodelTMObject for the components of the fit.


1. Currently, jmodelTM() could only handle the fitLME object with a simple random-effects structure (only the pdDiag() class). Moreover, the within-group correlation and heteroscedasticity structures in the fitLME object (i.e. the correlation and weights argument of lme()) are ignored.

2. The data argument in jmodelTM(), lme() and coxph() should be the same data frame.

3. For the fitCOX object, only the Wi(t)W_i(t) in the linear predictor η(t)\eta(t) for the survial model (see Details) should be involved in the formula argument of coxph{}. Since coxph() uses the same data frame as lme() does, a time-dependent Cox model must be fitted by coxph() although Wi(t)W_i(t) may only contain time-independent covariates. See Examples.

4. If Wi(t)W_i(t) in the linear predictor η(t)\eta(t) for the survial model (see Details) does involve time-dependent covariate, then timeVarT must specify the name of the time variable involved. See Examples.

5. The standard error estimates are obtained by numerical approximations which is naturally subject to numerical errors. Therefore, in extreme cases, there may be NA values for part of the standard error estimates.


Cong Xu [email protected] Pantelis Z. Hadjipantelis [email protected]


Dabrowska, D. M. and Doksun K. A. (1988) Partial Likelihood in Transformation Models with Censored Data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 15, 1–23.

Tsiatis, A. A. and Davidian, M. (2004) Joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data: an overview. Statistica Sinica 14, 809–834.

Wulfsohn, M. S. and Tsiatis, A. A. (1997) A joint model for survival and longitudinal data measured with error. Biometrics 53, 330–339.

Xu, C., Baines, P. D. and Wang, J. L. (2014) Standard error estimation using the EM algorithm for the joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data. Biostatistics 15, 731–744.

Xu, C., Hadjipantelis, P. Z. and Wang, J. L. (2020) Semiparametric joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data: the R package JSM. Journal of Statistical Software <doi:10.18637/jss.v093.i02>.

Zeng, D. and Lin, D. (2007) Maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric regression models with censored data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 69, 507–564.

See Also

jmodelTMObject, lme, coxph, Surv


# linear mixed-effects model fit with random intercept
fitLME <- lme(sqrt(CD4) ~ obstime + I(obstime ^ 2) + drug : obstime + drug : I(obstime ^ 2), 
              random = ~ 1 | ID, data = aids)
# Cox proportional hazards model fit with a single time-independent covariate
fitCOX <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ drug, data = aids, x = TRUE)

# joint model fit which assumes the Cox proportional hazards model for the survival process
# Use 'max.iter = 5', 'nknot = 3' and the 'PFDS' method to calculate standard 
# error estimates as a quick toy example <- jmodelTM(fitLME, fitCOX, aids, timeVarY = 'obstime', 
                     control = list(SE.method = 'PFDS', max.iter = 5, nknot = 3))

## Not run: 
# joint model fit with the default control
fitJT.ph2 <- jmodelTM(fitLME, fitCOX, aids, timeVarY = 'obstime')
# joint model fit where the survival and longitudinal processes only share 
# the same random effect
fitJT.ph3 <- jmodelTM(fitLME, fitCOX, aids, model = 2, timeVarY = 'obstime')

# joint model fit which assumes the proportional odds model for the survival process
fitJT.po <- jmodelTM(fitLME, fitCOX, aids, rho = 1, timeVarY = 'obstime')
# joint model fit where the survival and longitudinal processes only share 
# the same random effect
fitJT.po2 <- jmodelTM(fitLME, fitCOX, aids, model = 2, rho = 1, timeVarY = 'obstime')

# linear mixed-effects model fit with random intercept and random slope
fitLME2 <- lme(sqrt(CD4) ~ drug + obstime + I(obstime ^ 2) + drug : obstime + 
               drug : I(obstime ^2), random = ~ obstime | ID, data = aids)
# Cox proportional hazards model fit with a time-dependent covariate
fitCOX2 <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ drug + as.numeric(drug) : obstime, 
                 data = aids, x = TRUE)
# joint model fit in which \code{timeVarT} must be specified
fitJT.ph4 <- jmodelTM(fitLME2, fitCOX2, aids, timeVarY = 'obstime', timeVarT = 'obstime')

## End(Not run)

Fitted jmodelTM Object


An object returned by the jmodelTM function, inheriting from class jmodelTM and representing a fitted joint model for survival and longitudinal data. Objects of this class have methods for the generic functions AIC, BIC, logLik, print, summary, and vcov.


The following components must be included in a legitimate jmodelTM object.


a list with the estimated parameters. The list is consist of the following components:


the vector of estimated coefficients for the fixed effects in the linear mixed-effects model.


the vector of estimated coefficients for the covariates other than the covariate associated with the longitudinal process in the survival model.


the estimated coefficient for the covariate associated with the longitudinal process in the survival model.


the estimated measurement error standard deviation for the linear mixed-effects model.


the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the random effects.


a numeric matrix with two columns: the first column contains the unique observed survival times in ascending order; the second column contains the corresponding estimated baseline hazard values.


the variance-covariance matrix evaluated at the estimated parameter values.


the log-likelihood (the joint likelihood) value.

the estimated values for the random effects


a list containing an image of the jmodelTM call that produced the object.


the number of iterations used in the EM algorithm.


the convergence indicator: if "failure", usually more iterations are required.


the value of the control argument passed to jmodelTM.


the CPU time used to compute the standard error estimates, i.e. the time use to compute the variance-covariance matrix for the parameter estimates.


the total number of repeated measurements for the longitudinal outcome.


the number of sample units.


the censoring indicator: 0 denotes censored survival time; 1 denotes observed survival time.


the transformation parameter used for the survival model.


Cong Xu [email protected] Pantelis Z. Hadjipantelis [email protected]

See Also


Prednisone versus Placebo in Liver Cirrhosis Patients


A randomized control trial in which both survival and longitudinal data were collected to examine the development of prothrombin index over time and its relationship with the survival outcome. 488 patients were randomly allocated to prednisone (251) or placebo (237) and followed until death or end of the study.


A data frame with 2968 observations on the following 9 variables.


patient ID, there are 488 patients in total.


survival time, i.e. time to death or censoring.


death indicator: 0 denotes censoring; 1 denotes death.


time points at which the longitudinal measurements, i.e. prothrombin index, are recorded.


prothrombin index measured at obstime.


treatment indicator with two levels: placebo and prednisone.


same with obstime, starting time of the interval which contains the time of the prothrombin index measurement.


ending time of the interval which contains the time of the prothrombin index measurement.


event indicator suggesting whether the event-of-interest, i.e. death, happens in the interval given by start and stop.


Andersen, P. K., Borgan O., Gill, R. D. and Kieding, N. (1993) Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes. New York: Springer.


Henderson, R., Diggle, P. and Dobson, A. (2002) Identification and efficacy of longitudinal markers for survival. Biostatistics 3, 33–50

See Also

liver.long, liver.surv



Prednisone versus Placebo in Liver Cirrhosis Patients - Longitudinal Data


A randomized control trial in which both survival and longitudinal data were collected to examine the development of prothrombin index over time and its relationship with the survival outcome. 488 patients were randomly allocated to prednisone (251) or placebo (237) and followed until death or end of the study. liver.long only contains the longitudinal data of the trial, with one row per prothrombin index measurement.


A data frame with 2968 observations on the following 3 variables.


patient ID, there are 488 patients in total.


time points at which the longitudinal measurements, i.e. prothrombin index, are recorded.


prothrombin index measured at obstime.


Andersen, P. K., Borgan O., Gill, R. D. and Kieding, N. (1993) Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes. New York: Springer.


Henderson, R., Diggle, P. and Dobson, A. (2002) Identification and efficacy of longitudinal markers for survival. Biostatistics 3, 33–50

See Also

liver, liver.surv



Prednisone versus Placebo in Liver Cirrhosis Patients - Survival Data


A randomized control trial in which both survival and longitudinal data were collected to examine the development of prothrombin index over time and its relationship with the survival outcome. 488 patients were randomly allocated to prednisone (251) or placebo (237) and followed until death or end of the study. liver.surv only contains the survival data of the trial, with one row per patient.


A data frame with 488 observations on the following 4 variables.


patient ID, there are 488 patients in total.


survival time, i.e. time to death or censoring.


death indicator: 0 denotes censoring; 1 denotes death.


treatment indicator with two levels: placebo and prednisone.


Andersen, P. K., Borgan O., Gill, R. D. and Kieding, N. (1993) Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes. New York: Springer.


Henderson, R., Diggle, P. and Dobson, A. (2002) Identification and efficacy of longitudinal markers for survival. Biostatistics 3, 33–50

See Also

liver, liver.long



Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data


A randomized control trial from Mayo Clinic in which both survival and longitudinal data were collected from 1974 to 1984 to study the progression of primary biliary cirrhosis.


A data frame with 1945 observations on the following 16 variables.


patient ID, there are 312 patients in total.


survival time (in years), i.e. time to death, transplantion or censoring.


death indicator: 0 denotes transplantion or censoring; 1 denotes death.


time points at which the longitudinal measurements, e.g. serum bilirubin, albumin and alkaline phosphatase, are recorded.


serum bilirubin measured at obstime (mg/dl).


albumin measured at obstime (gm/dl).


alkaline phosphatase measured at obstime (U/litter).


platelets per cubic measured at obstime (ml/1000).


drug indicator with two levels: placebo and D-penicil.


age of patient at study entry.


gender indicator with two levels: male and female.


ascites indicator with two levels: No and Yes.


hepatomegaly indicator with two levels: No and Yes.


same with obstime, starting time of the interval which contains the time of the logitudinal measurements.


ending time of the interval which contains the time of the longitudinal measurements.


event indicator suggesting whether the event-of-interest, i.e. death, happens in the interval given by start and stop.


Fleming, T. and Harrington, D. (1991) Counting Processes and Survival Analysis. Wiley, New York.


Murtaugh, P. A., Dickson, E. R., Van Dam, G. M., Malincho, M., Grambsch, P. M., Langworthy, A. L., and Gips, C. H. (1994) Primary biliary cirrhosis: Prediction of short-term survival based on repeated patient visits. Hepatology 20, 126–134.

Therneau, T. and Grambsch, P. (2000) Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model. New York: Springer.

Ding, J. and Wang, J. L. (2008) Modeling longitudinal data with nonparametric multiplicative random effects jointly with survival data. Biometrics 64, 546–556.



Extract Random Effects for Joint Models


ranef is a generic function which extracts random effects from objects returned by jmodelTM() or jmodelMult().


## S3 method for class 'jmodelTM'
ranef(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'jmodelMult'
ranef(object, ...)



an object inheriting from class jmodelTM or jmodelMult.


additional arguments required. None is used in this method.


A numeric matrix with rows denoting the subjects and columns the random effects.


Cong Xu [email protected]


## Not run: 
fitLME <- lme(proth ~ Trt * obstime, random = ~ 1 | ID, data = liver)
fitCOX <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ Trt, data = liver, x = TRUE) <- jmodelTM(fitLME, fitCOX, liver, timeVarY = 'obstime')

# random effect for the joint model

## End(Not run)

Extract Residuals for Joint Models


residuals is a generic function which extracts residuals from objects returned by jmodelTM() or jmodelMult().


## S3 method for class 'jmodelTM'
residuals(object, process = c("Longitudinal", "Survival"), 
            type = c("Marginal", "Conditional", "Standardized-Marginal", 
            "Standardized-Conditional"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'jmodelMult'
residuals(object, process = c("Longitudinal", "Survival"), 
            type = c("Marginal", "Conditional", "Standardized-Marginal", 
            "Standardized-Conditional"), ...)



an object inheriting from class jmodelTM or jmodelMult.


for which process the residuals are calculated, i.e. the longitudinal or the survival process.


what type of residuals to calculate for each process. See Details.


additional arguments required. None is used in this method.


We have implemented the residual calculation for process = "Longitudinal" but not for process = "Survival" yet as they are not well defined under the joint modeling setting. There are four types of residuals depending on whether to compute the values conditional on the random effects and whether to standardize the residuals. Please refer to Nobre and Single (2007) for details.

With type = "Marginal", the residuals are εij=YijXijβ\varepsilon_{ij} = Y_{ij} - \mathbf{X}_{ij}^\top\boldsymbol\beta for objects returned by jmodelTM() and εij=YijB(tij)γ\varepsilon_{ij} = Y_{ij} - \mathbf{B}^\top(t_{ij})\boldsymbol\gamma for objects returned by jmodelMult(). With type = "Conditional", the residuals are εij=YijXijβZijbi\varepsilon_{ij} = Y_{ij} - \mathbf{X}_{ij}^\top\boldsymbol\beta - \mathbf{Z}_{ij}^\top\mathbf{b}_i for objects returned by jmodelTM() and εij=Yijbi×B(tij)γ\varepsilon_{ij} = Y_{ij} - b_i\times\mathbf{B}^\top(t_{ij})\boldsymbol\gamma for objects returned by jmodelMult(). If type = "Standardized-Marginal" or type = "Standardized-Conditional", the above defined residuals are divided by the estimated standard deviation of the corresponding error term.


A numerc vector of residual values.


Cong Xu [email protected]


Nobre, J. S. and Singer, J. M. (2007) Residuals analysis for linear mixed models. Biometrical Jounral 49(6), 863–875.

See Also

fitted.jmodelTM, fitted.jmodelMult


## Not run: 
fitLME <- lme(proth ~ Trt * obstime, random = ~ 1 | ID, data = liver)
fitCOX <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ Trt, data = liver, x = TRUE) <- jmodelTM(fitLME, fitCOX, liver, timeVarY = 'obstime')

# residuals for the longitudinal process
residuals(, type = "Standardized-Conditional")

## End(Not run)